PHP/PostgreSQL Rolodex and Calendar
I am a member of several social and special interest clubs.
It seems like every club I see has a need to maintain a
member address database and a calendar of events.
It seems even stranger that I had a hard time finding software
to do this for me over the WWW. So I wrote some.
This is my first PHP/PostgreSQL project, so I invite comments
about how to improve it, or make it easier to understand.
Get the PHP/PostGreSQL source HERE!
This code is not copyrighted or supported in any way.
It is kind of custom for the first club I did this for.
My idea is that you can look at this simple code, and edit
as necessary for your organization.
Entry points:
- addMember.html
- Form to add a record to the member rolodex.
- reqList.html
- Form to request a report from the member rolodex.
- editMember.html
- Form to edit a member's entry in the rolodex.
- calEntry.html
- Form to make an entry in the Calendar of events
- showCal.php
- Page to display calendar of events
Hope this helps people administer other clubs out there!
Aaron Birenboim
Last modified: Wed Nov 23 08:16:37 MST 2005